Central Intake Unit
3140 NW 76th Street
Miami, FL 33147
Jackson Behavioral Health
1695 NW 9TH Avenue
Miami, FL 33136
If you are in substance use or mental health crisis and need immediate medical or mental care, please call or visit the following: (Both 24/7)
Miami Dade Mobile Response Team 305-774-3616
Banyan Health Systems Walk In Centralized Receiving Facility (connects with all substance use and mental health services in Miami Dade County)
3850 W Flagler St, Miami, FL 33134
Central Intake Unit
3140 NW 76 Street
Miami, FL 33147
Specialized Transitional Opportunity Program (STOP) for the homeless
Central Intake Unit
3140 NW 76 Street
Miami, FL 33147
Thriving Mind South Florida
7205 NW 19th Street
Suite # 200
Miami, Florida 33126
Consumer Hotline:1-888-248-3111
Hotline Hours Monday-Friday 8AM-4:30PM
2020 Consumer and Family Resource Manual Miami and Monroe
For more information, call 786-878-6480
Outpatient treatment:
Coconut Grove Community Resource Center
3750 S. Dixie Highway
Miami, FL 33133
Miami Dade College North Campus
3190 NW 116th Street
Miami, FL 33167
Florida City Community Resource Center
1600 NW 6th Court
Florida City, FL 33034
To make an appointment for admission into the program, call 305-758-9662.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Program
Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation
Pre-Trail Detention Center
1321 NW 13th Street
Miami, FL 33125
For more information, call 786-479-7093.
The 4 other Trans-led agencies are Arianna's Center, Transinclusive Group, The McKenzie Project, and Bridging the Gap. I believe the Trans Collaborative Network is also Trans-led but I'm unsure. We are currently piloting our rural Trans health program in Bay County, and folks can get in touch with us through TransSOCIAL's Play Safe Miami We can only accept low-income clients at the moment, so we have to screen each applicant.
CHOW group discussions are open to all – chef, servers, bussers, bartenders, owners, suppliers, farmers, writers, dishwashers, and industry veterans. Virtual meetings can be accessed from any location, please be aware of the time zones listed.
Cada semana el día Martes. Las reuniones son organizadas por LARA. Lara es una Organización sin fines de lucro que promueve soluciones en salud mental y adicción, organizando comunidades con la información para crear recursos en Español sobre salud mental y adicción. Creando conciencia en la cultura sobre la importancia de romper con el estigma y otras barreras que impiden a la persona buscar ayuda.
With the premise of providing new syringes in exchange for used ones, the IDEA Exchange envisions health equity with a mission in increasing access to the tools necessary to keep people healthy, especially those who are most vulnerable.
Operating within the University of Miami, the IDEA Exchange is the only syringe exchange in the state of Florida. Besides its primary function of providing new syringes in exchange for used ones, the IDEA Exchange hosts many auxiliary harm reduction services to reduce the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C, and other blood-borne diseases.
For more information please visit:
1636 NW 7th Ave,
Miami, FL, 33136
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10am-4pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 12-6pm
Saturday: 8am- 11am
Enroll for Medically Assisted Treatment at the Following Community Centers:
Banyan Community Health Center – Little Havana Campus
3850 W Flagler St, Miami, FL 33134
(305) 774-3300
(please call ahead for details)
Borinquen Health Care Center
3000 Biscayne Blvd. Miami FL 33137
5th Floor
(305) 576-6611
(please call ahead for details)

Who we are
Yaritza Rollan (05/28/1993-12/28/2019) was a young, vibrant tattoo artist, painter, ceramics sculptor, illustrator, muralist, and cosmetologist who dedicated her short life to the arts. She participated in local gallery events right out of high school, got herself into tattoo apprenticing all on her own, and paved her own path to what was a bright career in the arts.
"My sister, Yaritza Rollan (better known as Yaya ) dedicated her entire life to the arts. She tattooed, painted, drew, created murals, and even got into Cosmetology. She began participating in local gallery events right out of high school, got herself into tattoo apprenticing all on her own, and paved her own path to what would have been a bright future in the art world. Sadly, she immediately met and became influenced by the darker figures of this profession and began a slow decline into opiate addiction. Nevertheless, she always held on tight to her art, still tattooed, and still worked hard to stay on the path of her dreams regardless of her struggles. Sadly, the ten-year battle with drug addiction claimed her life on December 28, 2019. That was the day another shining light in an otherwise grim world ceased to shimmer.
Her struggle was not in vain from where I see it. In the aftermath of her passing, I learned how much she inspired those around her, especially at Reaves House (click here to learn more). In her worst moments (whether of her own accord or not) she always found a way to get clean again. Reaves house might have been her last stop on this earth but it is certainly only one of many stops in her new journey across the universe. Reeves House is a non-profit, women's only community treatment center in the heart of Miami with over 50 years of passionate work in trying to get our girls off the streets and back to living healthy lifestyles."
Yamila Rollan Escalona, Founder

Yaya Por Vida envisions a world where people who engage in sex work and use drugs can do so safely, free from judgment, and criminalization.
Our Supporters
